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When I was in Australia
19 janvier 2016


The Wallabies


The wallaby lives in Australia. In the plains, woodland, in the undergrowth, or in mixed forests. He eats grass, sheets bushes, roots, barks, buds and fruits. He lives in a small group of about 10( members. Some males can be single, males fight among themselves especially when there is a female. Gestation lasts 35 days, the small wallaby continues to grow in the pouch, small wallaby even continues to sleep or leave the marsupial pouch. The Wallaby can have 1 baby; it can be maximum 2. Babies stay about 5 months under cover in the pouch. The weight of a female is between 8 and 15 kg, and the weight of a male is between 15 and 22 kg. The size of a female wallaby is between 50-75 cm, and the size of a male wallaby is between 65-90 cm. They move by jumping, their normal jumps are 1 meter high and 3 meters in length. If they take their run-up they may reach 1 meter 80 and 7 meters in length. Their hands are used to eat, bath, scratch behind the ears. They live up to 12 years in the wild, and about 20 years in captivity. They are beautiful animals , very interesting to study and protect. 




wallaby bb


wallaby groupe

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When I was in Australia